The safety of our clients, our Ryan Companies’ team members, our partners, and the communities in which we work is a key value of Ryan and paramount in our minds right now. We want to share Ryan Companies’ plans to ensure the ongoing health and well-being of all our stakeholders.
Prior to COVID-19, the construction industry was as safe as it has ever been. While COVID is a different type of safety threat, know that we have numerous precautions in place to mitigate its spread. Ryan, along with many of our colleagues around the US and with guidance from the CDC and other federal and state governmental bodies, has developed and implemented comprehensive guidelines for our jobsite teams to follow. These include employing social distancing practices whenever possible, heightened hygiene and sanitizing protocols, rigorous screening of anyone entering the jobsite to ensure that anyone who is sick stays home and seeks medical attention — and much more. Further, our site superintendents have the authority to add additional site-specific procedures to our standard company COVID prevention measures, based on the unique configuration of that jobsite.
That said, we cannot guarantee that all our team members are 100% compliant with the social distancing guidelines every minute of every day. People want to connect – that is part of what makes us human – and they can momentarily forget the need to stand six feet apart. When they forget, our site personnel are on hand to remind them of the protocols. It is also important to note that there are moments on a site when physical safety requires us to be in closer proximity in order to do our work and prevent injury. During those brief interactions, workers are required to use a covering over their nose and mouth, and they have the option of wearing this any time they are on the jobsite.
Construction is a critical part of our economy, deemed an essential service by our state government. Our industry employs over 7.5 million people nationwide, and it is a huge economic driver for our communities. Keeping construction working will go a long way towards keeping our economy strong. It ensures that all the individuals associated with our projects can keep providing for their families by purchasing groceries and essentials, making house payments, paying college tuitions, and more. As a business, we are going to do our individual part well because it matters to the whole.
Our pride in bringing this long-awaited project to life is underscored by our goal to send each employee home safe to their families each day. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support.