Tuesday, June 14
3:30 PM
Gateway Park
2290 Ford Parkway
Saint Paul, MN 55116
You are invited to join the City of Saint Paul and Ryan Companies for the grand opening of Gateway Park within Highland Bridge. The event will kick off with a few remarks from city officials and residents who were active in developing the on-site skatepark. Following a celebratory ribbon cutting, attendees are encouraged to explore the space and participate in the activities being facilitated by 3rd Lair Skate. If you (or someone you know) loves to skateboard or roller skate, please encourage them to attend and bring their gear! Gear will also be available for those who do not have their own.
Roads within the Highland Bridge development are not yet open to the public. Attendees should park on nearby streets such as South Woodlawn Ave or West Highland Pkwy.
We are looking forward to celebrating the first of many openings at Highland Bridge!